Friday 22 May 2020

Welcome back!!!!

What a Wonderful Week


During distance learning, the teachers have seen some fantastic and creative pieces of work from the children and have enjoyed building new relationships with families through emails, photos and even video clips. 
Welcome back to all of our School learners and whanau. We are very proud of how all our learners have settled back into school routines and learned after nearly 8 weeks outside of the classroom.
I would like to say thank you to all the mums, dads, grandparents and even pets who chipped in and became “teachers” during this time. I saw and have heard delightful stories about all of your adventures during this time together as a family.
To our essential worker mums and dads, an extra special BIG thank you for your commitment to keeping us all safe and provided for.

"Engage in reciprocal, collaborative learning-focused relationships with: - learners, family and whānau - teaching colleagues, support staff and other professionals."

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