Wednesday 27 May 2020

WEEK 1 Teaching and Learning (In class and Online teaching)

23 May 2020

This week was the first week of teaching after the LOCKDOWN. School officials have divided different year levels to different days to come to school so that they can easily understand what's are the expectations of school, teachers and other staff members from the students. Assurance always comes first. At this stage, we are on level 2, but still, we have to take alert measures to ensure our safety and well being.
Mental Wellbeing Workshop with Māori and Pacific College Students ...

On Monday, particularly level 12 and 13 came to school, on Tuesday year 11, on Wednesday year 9 and 10. From Thursday school was open for the whole school. We have only 50% of students are coming to school in various year levels. At this stage, every class has a seating plan. This seating plan remains the same for the complete year. Teachers are taking extra prudent measures for students and themselves. For example, on the entry of every class, there is a bottle of hand sanitiser and surface sanitiser. Students come to class after sanitise their hands. A box of tissue, gloves, masks are available at every level. Students can use anytime in the group.

Students have to keep a 1-meter distance from everyone. So, the seating plan is like that we can cover the 1-meter distance in the classroom. We are still doing online classes, like HANGOUTS with classroom teaching, because the students who can't come to school due to some reasons they can continue their learning at home. We don't want students learning to be affected due to this level 2.

Moreover, my STEAM classes were on HANGOUTS in this week. Because primary schools didn't resolve yet to come back at Tamaki College for Technology, for further notice from Primary schools, we will remain online teaching for them, and for the students who are at home(YR9 to 13). 

COVID-19 New Zealand is currently at Level 4 Alert. | Home2Grow ...

"Actively contribute, and work collegially, in the pursuit of improving my own and organisational practice, showing leadership, particularly in areas of responsibility".

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