Monday 30 August 2021

New Rotation of intermediates yr7&8 STEAM

 Regardless of whether you’re forewarned or not, your mind is usually whirring with all the things you need to organise to help your new child get sorted. This week is a new rotation of intermediates kids and I will see them online due to Covid lockdown. But to make science interesting I planned few online activities for them to make science interesting. 

Today is the first day, so the day starts with the introduction I introduced myself and gave students an ice breaker. They have to write about themselves like, favourite colour, where are they from, favourite movie etc. That is a good way to communicate with students. Some of them put pictures of their favourite food, favourite movie and we talk about it. We spend 15 mins on Ice breaker activity. Everyone liked it and we start talking with each other.

After that, I introduced my website that we will follow all the time. I instruct them to create a science folder in their drive and share it with me so every time when they will start a new topic in class they will create a new doc in that folder and write on it. This is like a piece of evidence for us to track learning.

Then, we start new topic 1 ie introduction of science. I this lesson we talk about some science facts and science pictures. At the end of the class, I instruct them to start writing blogs on STEAM. 

                ICE BREAKER

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