Thursday 24 June 2021

Induction and Mentoring with Mr Moyes(Reflection)

A mentor is a knowledgeable, experienced, highly effective teacher who works with or alongside a beginning teacher or less experienced colleague. It is a structured relationship with clear planning for the type of support sought and the goals of the relationship. However, mentoring is not just for new teachers; experienced teachers may also hone aspects of their teaching and leadership skills in partnership with a mentor Mentoring can involve regular meetings and check-ins, classroom observations and debriefs as well as other shared professional learning discussions and activities. It can be helpful for a beginning teacher to have a mentor observe their class and provide feedback. It can also be beneficial for the mentee to observe their mentor in action and see them model different aspects of classroom teaching. 

This is my second year of mentoring and we have Mr Moyes(HOD P.E) as a mentor who will help, guide us in our journey of teaching and learning. Fortnightly, we have a meeting in which we discussed teaching standards. Every time Mr Moyes organise a different slam session on a different standard to guide us or to give examples of how we can collect shreds of evidence and how. The role of a mentor is to work with their mentee and support them towards a professional goal. A mentor may: provide advice and help the mentee resolve issues they are facing. Model different teaching strategies. observe the mentee and provide constructive and meaningful feedback. Check-in on the well-being of the mentee and provide emotional support.

The first slam session was on the first standard Te Treaty of Waitangi. Mr Moyes explained this standard to us and give many examples of pieces of evidence that we can collect for this standard and how we can write about that. This was a very good session I learned a lot and started gathering my evidence for this standard. Our second slam session was on Teaching(Standard 6), Planning lesson plans before delivering in class. We discussed why planning is important and how we can plan our lessons. Different teachers shared their experiences how they are doing plans for the lessons and what are working for them and whatnot. I shared my planning as google calendar and I am also doing a doc from last year. I am writing my lesson plans on a doc and write reflections about each topic. If any of activity didn't work for me last year this time I am changing my plans and involve other activities that might work. Planing and change in planning are very important.

Mr Moyes also shared his experiences and his planner with us. It was a very good opportunity for us to learn something new and how we can implement that in our teaching. I really enjoyed this slam session.

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