Tuesday 4 August 2020

Genomics-Reflection 9Ttt


    28 July 2020         Can Science explain Life?

This week we have stared Genomics in all year 9's in school. Students were very excited to learn about Life and origin of lie and who comes first on this earth? When I introduced Genomics, students listened very carefully and starts asking questions about Life, animals, birds. To begin with the topic, the first task we did in class was Find out similarities and differences between Primates and Homosipens. All students have done so well and tried to find similarities and differences. After that, I showed them a video clip regarding the Origin of Life. Students had so many questions regarding Life and how Life originate so we discussed and I try to give the answer to all students.

We did a Venn diagram to find similarities and difference between Primates and Homosipens. Then, I add whale in between and tell students to write characteristics, behaviour and habitat of all of three. I gave them A3 paper and divide students in the group and gave them a task. Students dis so well and very curious about their work. Next week I have planned, I will see Life tree to introduced Life of animals, birds, mammals, and humans.

"Engage in professional learning and adaptively apply this learning in practice."

"Create an environment where learners can be confident in their identities, languages, cultures and abilities."

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