Friday 26 February 2021

Planning to go Kelly Tarlton's with Level 3 Biology students.

 This year I have planned I will start year 13 biology with an internal assessment so that they can go on trips at the beginning of the year. Because last year they didn't get a chance to go out on any field trip due to COVID-19. I have started AS91604 (How an animal or birds (penguins) maintains internal body temperature). For the first two weeks, I discussed Homeostasis and how it works in humans, animals and birds. We learned basically in class. And then I planned an aquarium trip to Kelly Tarlton's So that students can visit the aquarium and learn more about penguins, habit, habitat and adaptations in Antarctica.

I booked their visit to Kelly Tarlton's and also booked an education session with one of the educators at the Aquarium. Students are really very excited and looking forward to going there and discuss penguins and how they live in cold and what they do when it summers. So, they have a lot many questions and they will discuss all the questions with an educator. Hopefully, this visit will help them in their science learning and assessment.

Thursday 18 February 2021

COVID-19 Vaccine strategy in New Zealand

 The Government’s goal is to give New Zealand and our Pacific neighbours' access to safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines as early as possible. This will help us to: control the virus in the long term, protect our communities, support our economic recovery, re-open our borders. This strategy outlines our approach. It makes sure the Government can: contribute to all aspects of global vaccine development, distribution and use, invest in research that supports global efforts, builds relationships and helps New Zealand get access to a vaccine, develop the ability to manufacture a vaccine, in case we need to make sure the way we regulate the vaccines, support research and enable manufacturing is fit for purpose use purchase agreements to secure supplies of vaccines. There’s never been this level of global collaboration amongst scientists and governments in vaccine development. Vaccine companies have been sharing their data all over the world, which has sped up the research process. It has also led to a number of innovations, such as the use of messenger RNA (mRNA) technology.

In New Zealand, applications for all new medicines (including vaccines) are assessed by the New Zealand Medicines and Medical Devices Safety Authority (Medsafe). So COVID-19 vaccines can be made available as early as possible, Medsafe is streamlining its processes and assessing these vaccine applications ahead of normal applications.

Medsafe will only approve a vaccine for use in New Zealand once they are confident it complies with international standards and local requirements for quality, safety and efficacy. There is no ‘emergency use authorisation’ in New Zealand. The first group to be vaccinated are border workers, people working in managed isolation and quarantine (MIQ) facilities, and their household contacts. This is because they are most at risk of getting COVID-19. Border and MIQ workers include cleaners, nurses who do MIQ health checks, security staff, customs and border officials, airline staff, hotel workers. Household contacts include anyone over 16 who lives full-time or part-time with a border or MIQ worker. We don’t have any evidence yet that the vaccine will stop the transmission of the virus. To reduce the risk of people with a connection to the border getting COVID-19, we are offering the vaccine to both border workers and their household contacts. 

Monday 15 February 2021

Level 3 lockdown in Auckland- 3 days

Unfortunately, It was another level 3 lockdown in Auckland. And as per government instructions Auckland was closed for 3 days. At this stage, teachers will continue online classes via google hangouts, emails or google docs. We can understand sudden announcements of the lockdown by the Prime Minister shocked everyone but we have to face this situation and be strong. So that we can fight with COVID-19.

Children and young people look to adults for guidance on how to react to stressful events. If parents or teachers seem overly worried, children’s and young people’s anxiety may rise. Parents and teachers can reassure children and young people that everyone is working together, from the Prime Minister down, to help people throughout the country stay healthy and to limit the spread of this virus.

As a teacher thinks about how your reactions could impact the learners. Take a quick break if things feel overwhelming, or notice and try some slow breathing, or concentrate on the sounds outside, anything that you know helps. You can express your feelings but base your words on facts and truth, and model how you want children and young people around you to behave. 

Our school is helping children continue their learning, online classes, Mentoring sessions and delivery of food packages. This will support their wellbeing, connection with others and their learning. Contact students via emails, texts, or phone calls are very important to know about how they are going or how they take care of themselves and their loved ones.

Sunday 7 February 2021

First week of 9KLE in school /Science Class(Reflection)

 Since the first day of school is scary for most students, I try to make their day more relaxing and less stressful with a fun activity that requires art and writing. I give each student one white piece of paper (Xerox paper is perfect). I tell my students that we are going to draw faces — not just ordinary faces, but wacky faces. First, I have my students write their names on the back, and then I tell them to draw a very large oval; they can add ears but nothing else. Then the students hand their paper to the left. Then the students add eyes and eyebrows to the existing face oval and ears. Then, pass the paper. Next, add a mouth. Then, pass the paper. Next, add hair and any other finishing touches. (I tell the kids that tattoos are not acceptable.) I also give them 5-6 minutes to draw and colour each facial feature they add. When the face is completed, it is given to the student whose name was on the back.

Now the writing begins. The picture of the face is a new student at your school. The students must write what it is like for this new student on his or her first day of school. Here are some writing suggestions: Was this person scared to come to the first day of school? Could he or she sleep the night before? What did he or she wear? Who took him to school? Did she meet anyone? The wonderful things about this project are that it brings out creativity, it's fun, and students soon forget any first-day jitters they may have! Also, it makes a wonderful item to display at Back-to-School Night! 

Friday 5 February 2021

Word search-Improve Science Vocabulary(9KLe)

 Word searches for learners are available in a variety of themes and age-appropriate versions, which means that there is a word search out there for every type of child. Each word search features a list of words, some of which students will be familiar with, and some of which will be new. Academic vocabulary is key to mastery of any discipline. Scholars know the vocabulary of their discipline, and the first step towards vocabulary is exposure to the word itself. You can use word searches to do this, and you can use word searches for a self-test review. 

9KLe science class love to do a word search. After completing classwork or task, we try to do a science word search. Sometimes, word search is a reward for them after completion of classwork. Students really enjoy and look very happy while doing a word search. For me, it will improve their science vocabulary, spelling, boost up the brain, problem-solving skills and it's a fun activity for the learners.

"Teach-in ways which enable learners to learn from one another, to collaborate, to self-regulate, and to develop agency over their learning."

"Select teaching approaches, resources, and learning and assessment activities based on a thorough knowledge of curriculum content, pedagogy, progressions in learning and the learners."

Wednesday 3 February 2021

House System within school helps students gain a sense of belonging

 The House System provides a structure within the College that promotes belonging and continuity among College families and staff allowing students to be known more closely and thus cared for more effectively. Loyalty and commitment to a particular group are fostered over time. The House Model offers many strengths and benefits including a culture of students understanding and caring for each other across the whole College. Building a sense of belonging and community within a House Group, fostering positive relationships. 

 Building the leadership capacity of all senior students as they take increasing responsibility as leaders within their house and mentoring of middle school students during the Learning Matters Program. Provide leadership roles for students including House Captains, House Leaders. House Group Leaders getting to know the students in their tutor group over their six years at the college and assisting to personalise their learning and aspirations through formalised target and goal setting. 

Encouraging participation in the co-curricular activities provided within the College between houses developing in student's habits such as neatness, faithfulness to homework, wearing of uniform and punctuality. The same principle applies to identification and addressing student problems early, rather than allowing them to develop.

The House system was first established at Tamaki College in 1958.  The Houses were named Gold, Blue, Red and Green, with a Male and Female House Captain and a Male and Female Deputy House Captain for each house. The Houses/Whanau were reintroduced/renamed in 1988 as Kowhai, Puriri, Rata and Totara. During the 1990s there were student Whanau leaders (i.e. House Captains) and staff. Whanau leaders (i.e. Whanau Deans). House Captains were reintroduced in our Golden Jubilee year, to open up student leadership opportunities. he system in how our students are grouped has gone from year level groups to house groups. Our students will be grouped into house groups. The house groups are Kowhai, Puriri,  Rata, Totara.

Mental Health Awareness Week(27 Sep-3 Oct)

  Mental Health Awareness Week (MHAW) runs from 27 September to 3 October and this year’s theme is Take time to kōrero/mā te kōrero, ka ora....