Wednesday 28 October 2020

Year 9 Stars Activity Day(Reflection)

 The STARS Mentoring Program is a classroom-based, peer-to-peer mentoring program that engages and supports students to make positive life choices and build healthy relationships. STARS provides students with the opportunity to discover themselves and build upon their skill set through our three core elements of self-awareness, healthy decision-making and MentorLife, which means to always invest in someone and always have someone investing in you. 

STARS mentors receive training and mentoring from their program coordinator, then they, in turn, are paired with no more than four mentees where they lead activities and opportunities for discussion. Through the program, students can strengthen their leadership abilities, discover and practice positive social and emotional skills around mental health, healthy relationships and decision-making, gain confidence and feel valued.

This day is significant for year 9's and all the stars mentors leaders in the school. This event allowed them to show their leadership and present themselves, and there year 9 groups in different activities. This event started at 9 am at the school ground. Year 9's were divided into different house groups, and they wore their house colours because they all were representatives of there groups. They look wonderful in there house colours. All students participated very well and enthusiastically in all activities. The event finished with dance performances of all house groups.

Tuesday 20 October 2020

Niue Language Week(Reflection)

 Niue is one of the world's largest coral islands. Niue peoples are the fourth largest Pacific community living in Aotearoa New Zealand with over 30,000 people, 75% of whom live in Auckland. 

Niue Language Week provides an opportunity for students to learn, speak, and celebrate the indigenous language of Niue, through language, song, dance, cultural displays, and community events.

Niue Language Week helps all New Zealander's journey towards shared cultural understandings. Learning a new language gives us insight into new ways of thinking and to different beliefs and cultural practices. Through this learning, we acquire knowledge, skills, and attitudes that help us live in our culturally diverse world.

There is a chance that you will have some Niuean speakers in your school community. Encourage those students and their families to be experts during Niue Language Week and validate their expertise in front of other students. Support them to teach Niuean and prepare the Niue Language Week celebrations for the school, placing an emphasis on shared language experiences.

The 2020 Niuean Language Week theme is ‘Faliki e tau momoui he tau atuhau ke he Vagahau Niue ’ which in English translates to, “Lay the foundations - give rise to Vagahau Niue for generations".

This years theme reminds us of the need to not only respect and treasure our languages and cultures but to work daily to ensure the foundation remains strong for generations to come. Niue Language week is in its ninth year, the 2020 Niue Language Week is focused on laying the foundations to give rise to Vagahau Niue for future generations.

Mental Health Awareness Week(27 Sep-3 Oct)

  Mental Health Awareness Week (MHAW) runs from 27 September to 3 October and this year’s theme is Take time to kōrero/mā te kōrero, ka ora....